History of the Calendar & Pagan Rituals


Why have we accepted a System of Time in which a month can have 31 days?  We perceive time moving faster and faster because we have departed from the System of Time ordained by God and we are living with a System of Time which has come from the False Messiah or the Anti-Christ…A.K.A. The Dajjal!   
The Western Culture and the Religious practices that are observed by the Christians largely take root in pagan idolatry and the naming of the days of the week are also steeped in idolatry.…ARE YOU OK WITH THAT? Watch this Video ‘The Roman and Norse Origin of the Days of the Week’ to learn more!


This document contains a table listing the Arabic, Gregorian & Pagan Days of The Week Names with Their Associated Meaning
6 Things You May Not Know About the Gregorian Calendar By: Jennie Cohen UPDATED: AUG 22, 2018 ORIGINAL: SEP 13, 2012  Link to Website
1. The original goal of the Gregorian calendar was to change the date of Easter.

In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Since the Roman emperor’s system miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar had since fallen out of sync with the seasons. This concerned Gregory because it meant that Easter, traditionally observed on March 21, fell further away from the spring equinox with each passing year.

2. Leap years don’t really occur every four years in the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar included an extra day in February every four years. But Aloysus Lilius, the Italian scientist who developed the system Pope Gregory would unveil in 1582, realized that the addition of so many days made the calendar slightly too long. He devised a variation that adds leap days in years divisible by four, unless the year is also divisible by 100. If the year is also divisible by 400, a leap day is added regardless. While this formula may sound confusing, it did resolve the lag created by Caesar’s earlier scheme—almost.

3. The Gregorian calendar differs from the solar year by 26 seconds per year.

Despite Lilius’ ingenious method for syncing the calendar with the seasons, his system is still off by 26 seconds. As a result, in the years since Gregory introduced his calendar in 1582, a discrepancy of several hours has arisen. By the year 4909, the Gregorian calendar will be a full day ahead of the solar year.

4. Some Protestants viewed the Gregorian calendar as a Catholic plot.

Though Pope Gregory’s papal bull reforming the calendar had no power beyond the Catholic Church, Catholic countries—including Spain, Portugal and Italy—swiftly adopted the new system for their civil affairs. European Protestants, however, largely rejected the change because of its ties to the papacy, fearing it was an attempt to silence their movement. It wasn’t until 1700 that Protestant Germany switched over, and England held out until 1752. Orthodox countries clung to the Julian calendar until even later, and their national churches have never embraced Gregory’s reforms.

5. Britain’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar sparked riots and protest—maybe.

According to some accounts, English citizens did not react kindly after an act of Parliament advanced the calendar overnight from September 2 to September 14, 1752. Rioters supposedly took to the streets, demanding that the government “give us our 11 days.” However, most historians now believe that these protests never occurred or were greatly exaggerated. On the other side of the Atlantic, meanwhile, Benjamin Franklin welcomed the change, writing, “It is pleasant for an old man to be able to go to bed on September 2, and not have to get up until September 14.”

6. Before the Gregorian calendar’s adoption, the English new year began on March 25, or Lady Day.

Julius Caesar’s calendar reform of 46 B.C. instituted January 1 as the first of the year. During the Middle Ages, however, European countries replaced it with days that carried greater religious significance, such as December 25 (the Christian anniversary of Jesus’ birth) and March 25 (the Christian Feast of the Annunciation). The latter, known as Lady Day because it celebrates the Virgin Mary, marked the beginning of the year in Britain until January 1, 1752.

The Blessings of the Lunar Calendar By Karima Burns Read More on IslamOnline

The Islamic calendar, based purely on lunar cycles, was first introduced in 638 C.E. by the close companion of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and the second Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, who lived from 592 to 644 C.E. (RAA) in an attempt to reconcile the various, at times conflicting, systems being used for dating during his time.

However, the Hijra calendar is not just a sentimental system of time reckoning for Muslims; rather, it has a deep religious and historical significance, and has had many scientific influences on our daily lives in the areas of psychology, physiology, and the environment.

By returning to the use, or at least the recognition, of the lunar calendar we gain many benefits as Muslims. From a historical angle, all of the events and celebrations of Islamic history are recorded in the Hijra Calendar. The start of Ramadan is determined by the sighting of the crescent-moon (hilal). The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has said, “Fast at its sighting, and terminate the fast at its sighting” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Our use of the Gregorian calendar makes us forgetful of the spirit of these events and the lessons we can learn from them.

The Qur’an says, “And He has subjected you to the night and day, and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command.

Many scientists believe that “subjected” in this context implies much more than simply being the basis for a calendar. Studies have shown that the moon, in fact, influences our moods and physical cycles. Although most people today cannot tell you when the new or full moon will appear, these same lunar cycles can provide us with so much insight into fertility and mood cycles.

It is more than obvious that the effects of the lunar cycle and its phases can be seen in numerous life forms, including fish, shellfish, insects, mammals (including humans), and plants. For example, shellfish renew their shells, and undergo regeneration and sexual activity in accordance with the lunar tidal cycle. Guppy-fish have color sensitivity on their back that is most responsive during the full moon, and least responsive at the new moon. The golden hamster displays lunar rhythms in activity, and urinary volume and acidity. Moon cycles are well known to hunters and fishermen. Sea creatures show a high lunar sensitivity; their reproductive cycles being affected by the rhythms of the moon. Exact lunar rhythms have been demonstrated in the reproductive cycles of fish. Oysters open their shells at high tide. Shrimpers flock to a full moon, at which time they predictably rise to the surface to feed. Animal studies show that physical activity, metabolism, aggression, and sexual behavior are dramatically increased in many species at the time of the new and full moons. To deny that the moon affects the human species as well is shortsighted; however, many people around the world still feel compelled to debate and research the topic.

One Italian study (Ghiandoni et al, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, March 1998, vol. 77, pp. 47-50) found a correlation between spontaneous full-term deliveries and the lunar month, with delivery day being correlated with the first or second day after the full moon.

Most importantly, fertility cycles are synchronized with the moon; thus, couples wishing to conceive have the best results when they observe the moon’s cycles rather than solar cycles.

A Russian study (Lucatelli and Pane, Biofizika, Sept.-Oct. 1995) has found that in some cases of manic-depressive illness, “planetary locations in relation to the lunar month could be correlated with the susceptibility to bipolar manic-depressive syndrome. Other studies have found large correlations in emotional (including violent) acts around the full moon and a tendency for people to become depressed or introspective during the waning of the moon.

Traditional moon wisdom states that on the day of the New Moon the body’s capacity for detoxification is at its highest. This is a time, tradition says, to make healthy lifestyle changes, break bad habits and withdraw symptoms of imbalance. This is in complete synchronization with the fact that the prophet used to fast on the days of the full moon, saying, “It is like fasting the whole year.”

The Qur’an (Chapter 10: Verse 5) says, “It is He who made the sun a radiant, illuminating light and the moon a light reflected and measured out stages that you might know the number of years and reckoning.

The moon, in fact, is a reckoning for many events. Farmers are known to say, “A circle seen sometimes around the moon means it will rain or snow soon.

Scientists say this circle is caused by refraction of light through ice crystals that are quite high in the troposphere and are usually associated with a thin layer of cirrus clouds. Often, this layer of ice crystals will precede a developing storm by 24 to 36 hours. Although the circle does not necessarily mean rain or snow, it can be an indicator that there is a chance of precipitation over the next couple of days.

Tradition also says, “If the new moon holds the old moon in her lap, expect fair weather.Scientists say this is so because, during fair weather conditions, the air is more stable, which minimizes turbulence.

Research has linked hurricanes to full and new moons. Data has also shown that rainfall is more likely to occur at the first crescent than at the first quarter of the moon, and at the disseminating moon phase rather than at the third quarter.

Both the sun and the moon affect our water supplies (all water, including the water within the earth, and not just large bodies of water such as the oceans and rivers) through their magnetic pulls.

Although the sun is much bigger than the moon, the moon is much closer to earth and so, its pull is greater. The movement of the moon is connected to the rising and falling of the tides. Seeds sown and crops planted while water is rising during the waxing or increasing moon can more easily absorb water than those sown in the waning or decreasing phase.

Therefore, we plant crops that thrive in dry conditions during the waning phase, and aboveground crops that need lots of water during the waxing phase. Certainly, Allah has subjected us to the moon. We would be wise to bear this factor in mind, and keep our Islamic calendars close by our Gregorian calendars at all times.

A Brief History of Easter Festivity al-Islam.org

Easter was the goddess of spring and it was in her honor that the festival of Easter was celebrated annually in ancient Egypt, Greece and Persia towards the end of March and the beginning of April. Documented evidences in European history show that the Saxons of the pre-Christian days used to enjoy their Easter eggs and hot cross buns while worshipping the goddess whom they called Eostre, and it is from this name of the pagan goddess, that the inventors of present Christianity derived what is today called the “Easter festival”, which in fact, has nothing to do with a man called Jesus.

In reality, keeping this festival in Christianity was an artful method employed by the Romans and Greeks to immortalize their religious and cultural heritage so as not to be swallowed or destroyed by the religion of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, the celebration of the festival with hot cross buns and eggs is not peculiar to modern Christian countries as these celebrations and rituals were observed thousands of years ago by the pagans. This is clear evidence that proves that Christianity is a continuation of that ancient paganism. Now, the very pagans of Europe who converted to Christianity thousands of years ago still continue to worship this goddess of Spring “Eostre” but today in the image of “Jesus Christ” and thus, we see that, there is no doubt that the Easter rituals have nothing to do with the man called Jesus Christ but are instead, the cultural and religious remnants of ancient pagans in Christianity.

According to the world history, the Egyptians and Greeks of olden days did the same; the ancient Egyptians regarded eggs and buns as signs of creation. As Easter falls in spring, which brings life to creation, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians celebrated this bounty with special rituals and brought them to an end by enjoying their eggs and hot cross buns.

The same was happening in the ancient sub-continent of India and ancient Persia (Iran) and up to this time, the festival of Easter is celebrated and known as “Besaakhi” in India while in Iran the same festival and celebration is known as “Nauroz”.

According to the “New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Knowledge”: “Easter is the Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. The western churches celebrate it on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. The word “Easter” is derived from the name of the goddess of spring, Eostre. Easter can fall on any of 35 days, and the proposal that it should be celebrated on the Sunday after the second Saturday in April each year failed for lack of public support“.1

This is another misleading statement. In fact it is another bit of misinformation reported by the above Encyclopedia for if Easter was the goddess of Spring in ancient pagan Europe, then it is clear that this festivity has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ! And the fact that it is celebrated by the western churches on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox is a clear indication that this festivity has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Rather it is a festivity connected at its roots to those pagan rituals of worshipping the moon, the sun and other heavenly bodies.

That the festivity begins on the first Sunday symbolizes the European pagan tradition of worshipping the sun god Apollo on Sunday. And that the festivity is carried on in accordance with the lunar calculation and during the full moon is a clear indication that the festivity has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Instead, this festivity is for the same Eostre the goddess of spring whose ancient symbol of existence was the moon, as the sun was for her partner Apollo, the sun god.

The fact that the Easter celebration took place thousands of years before the birth of Jesus Christ is a further proof that this festival and its likes are pagan festivals introduced in Christianity from the Gentiles pagan religious denominations during the time of King Constantine of the Roman Empire around 325 A.D. The king himself was a devoted pagan, as was his entire nation.

The fact that the date of “Easter” has to be fixed by the Lunar Calendar and in accordance with the full moon at the Spring Equinox, clearly shows that this festival has more to do with the worship of some luminary object or heavenly bodies than with any event in the life of a man whom they believe to be their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This view is more authentic as we do not see any Christian denomination fixing the date of Easter using a solar calendar as they do with other rituals and on other Christian sacred days.

Here, I have another evidence to prove “that the celebrations and festivals observed today by modem day Christians are influenced by the ancient pagans who worshipped multiple deities.

The scholars in Christianity speak the truth when they admit that they are unable to ascertain the date of the birth of Jesus Christ, as Jesus was not born on 25th of December: It is enough that XMas is the abbreviation of what is known as “Christmas” as X in mathematics represents the unknown. Then, X Mas is the Mass or festival of the unknown deity or unknown personality.

Jesus Christ is an unknown personality in the Old Testament; the man that the Christian thinks to be Jesus Christ, according to the Biblical prophecies his name is Emmanuel, and so it is obvious, historically, that his mother had called him “Emmanuel” and not “Jesus”. The name Jesus is a product of European’s distortion of the pure name and original religion of the Emmanuel, the Messiah.

They changed the original name of the Messiah to “Jesus” so that, the Messiah with his new and imposed name “Jesus” must represent the cultural, political and the religious dimension of the Europeans.

In the coming pages I will prove to you that Emmanuel is the real name of the man whom they call Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ. You will also understand that “Christ” is not the title of that Emmanuel as the word “Christ” cannot be translated as “Messiah”. The word “Messiah” means “the newly born god” in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic language, which simply means “a righteous being, who is born to serve the Almighty God, the Creator of all things”.

As a matter of fact, it is known in history that Apollo, the sun god and the god of King Constantine was born on the 25th of December and so it was a plan of the King to keep the birthday festival of his pagan favourite sun-god to be adopted in Christianity and hence to continue in the name of the Church and in the name of Jesus Christ.

These are facts from history. Paganism found its way again into what I normally call “Euro-centric Christianity” which simply means the Christianity that originated from Europe. The sun-worshippers of these nations celebrated the birth of their deity known a sun-god on 25’h of December of each year, thousands of years before the birth of Emmanuel or that “mythical fabricated” man known by the Christians as “Jesus Christ”. Here again, the date of birth of this sun god of these pagans, which was 25th of December, had been replaced wrongfully with the birthdate of Jesus Christ…!

Therefore, when we say that, many of the important rituals of modern day Christianity have been borrowed or copied from ancient pagan rituals it is an established fact based on concrete and strong evidences. The Christians have no biblical proofs to support the legality of these pre-Christian and pagan rituals, which are now found in their religion.

Thus deviation started and pagan rituals found their way into Christianity gradually due to the political and cultural circumstances of those days and from new converts who were former pagans or worshippers of multiple deities.

The Christians have even changed the Sabbath, which their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ could not. A man whom they call Jesus Christ observed the Sabbath and worshipped on that day. However it was on Saturdays and not on Sundays. So did the apostles of Jesus and the early fathers of the Church, but this custom came to its end when King Constantine of the Roman Empire allegedly converted to Christianity.

As the favourite god of King Constantine previously was Apollo, the sun god, the entire nation during his time was forced to worship on Sunday, as it was the only day to pay tribute to the sun god. Only that now it was done in the name of Jesus Christ.

The sun god was worshipped officially, once a week in the pagan Roman Empire. That day was called ‘Sunday’, but now Christians worship Christ on the very day that was constitutionally established for the sake of the sun god in the Ancient Pagan Temple of Apollo.

Apollo in Greek and Roman mythologies was one of the most important and powerful gods, he was the ‘multi-sided’ god of prophecy, purity, spring, music, healing, archery, as well as of shepherds and their flocks.

According to these ancient mythologies, Apollo could punish harshly and he was represented as the Greek ideal of manly youth and beauty. In the last days of ancient mythology, Apollo replaced Helios as the sun god. As the sun god, he was officially worshipped by the Romans on Sunday. Now on Sunday Christians worship Christ thereon instead of Apollo.

Thus Sunday is not God’s day, but the day of the sun god and it is not the Church of Jesus Christ, which is adhered to, but the Temple of the sun god. Therefore do not be fooled any more. The light of knowledge has begun to shine in our eyes although it is true that ignorance and credulity will lead to acceptance and reverence of everything in any form.

The Bible says: “…The Sabbath was made for man…” Mark. 2: 27

Paul worshipped on the Sabbath day and not Sunday, “And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures…”Acts. 17:2.

In fact, worshipping on the Sabbath day is a law for the Jews and even for the Gentiles, the Bible says: “…and he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks…“Acts.18: 4.

In the New testament there are no less than 59 references to the Sabbath; the book of Acts alone records about 84 Sabbaths on which the Apostle Paul and his companions held religious gatherings and religious services, yet there is not one word in the entire Bible authorizing Sunday as a day of worship.

It is sad to see that the Christians are still worshipping on Sunday thus imitating the ancient pagans contrary to Jesus and the Apostles.

This is exactly what we have said earlier i.e. that the original Christianity has been changed from its Afro-Semitic religious culture to Euro-centric culture. This had been done to suit the European way and their socio-religious style agreeable to their own desirable aspects of their lives. But our modern day mind in this century of space technology is no longer captive of the fairy tales and absurdities of the medieval days of primitive Europe, which penetrated Christianity during the reign of the Roman Empire about 325 AD.

True Christians ought to obey God and submit to the truth and not to the orders of the Church and Pope. It must be known that, by observing worship on Sundays instead of Saturdays, Christians have deviated from the path of a man they call Jesus Christ and his disciples. The Bible says: “..we ought to obey God rather than men ” Acts. 5: 29.

But who among the church leaders cares? They continue to keep prayers on Sundays, the same day on which the Romans who gave them Christianity and Catholicism used to worship their sun god in the pre-Christian era. The Bible rebukes this tradition seriously by saying: “…Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition! but in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men ..” Mark. 7:13-14.

Thus, the tradition of worshipping on Sundays has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ; rather it is an innovation of the Roman and Greek pagans who converted to Christianity and did not wish to abandon their pagan worshipping day of Sunday for Saturday. This was done politically during the reign of King Constantine.

So the act of not worshipping on the Sabbath day by the Christians is a result of the Romans’ efforts in changing the Original Christianity with its Afro-Semitic culture to their pagan Euro-centric culture. And this is why they disobey the Biblical commandment, which says: “…He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not the commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him …”1 John. 2